Course Descriptions

ASTR 101 - Introduction to Astronomy
Emphasis is placed on the role of observation in the evolution of our theories about the origins of the solar system, and of the size and structure of the universe.

ASTR 119 - Astrobiology
Where could aliens live, and what might they look like? This course is an examination of the prospects for extraterrestrial life. Topics include the origin and evolution of life on Earth, the habitability of Mars and Jovian moons, the nature and habitability of exoplanets, SETI, and the Fermi paradox. ***Prerequisite: Successful completion of 12 credit hours.***

ASTR 201 - Solar System Astronomy
This course is concerned with the description of the fundamental properties of our solar system. Topics will include: planetary interiors, surface structures and atmospheres, asteriods, comets and meteorites, and the formation of planetary systems. *** Prerequisite: ASTR 101 ***

ASTR 202 - Stars and Galaxies
This course is concerned with the properties of the stars and galaxies. Topics will include: observational methods, stellar populations, stellar evolution, galactic structure, and the large-scale structure of the universe. *** Prerequisite: ASTR 101 ***

ASTR 300 - Astronomical Observation
This course will teach astronomical observing techniques through hands-on telescopic observations, remote telescopic observations, and data mining. It will cover various techniques of data reduction for different observational goals, as well as for astrophotography and pleasure. ***Prerequisites PHYS 111 and PHYS 112.***

ASTR 390AA - Overview of Astrophysics Topics
This course will cover several topics in astronomy through reading and discussion of classic astronomy papers, as well as lectures and problems that explain and reinforce the astrophysical concepts necessary to understand the papers. It is meant to be an astronomy course suitable for physics majors with a limited background in astronomy. ***Prerequisites: PHYS 201 and PHYS 202.***

SectionDayTimeExam DateDelivery
PHYS 111 - Mechanics
001 TR 1:00pm - 2:15pm 12-DEC-24
151 F 08:30am - 11:15am

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