Ruth E. Wilkinson
WILKINSON (nee WILLSEY), RUTH E. (1899-1997)
Regina College Student
Ruth Elizabeth Willsey was born on June 25, 1899 in Indianola, Iowa to parents Frank and Lora Willsey.
In 1912 her family immigrated to Canada near Weyburn and in 1916 she completed her high school education at Regina College. She went on to teacher training in Weyburn and taught in Ideal, South Dakota near Brough, Saskatchewan and then took further training in Chicago in 1919. In 1921 she married Victor Wilkinson and in 1960leaving the farm, Victor and Ruth moved to Yellow Grass where she had taught grade one for two years before marrying. After Victor died in 1973 Ruth moved back to Regina.
Elizabeth Seitz, November 2012.
Archival Collections (Finding Aids in PDF format)
81-3 - Regina College Photographs, 1913-1916
87-77 - Regina College Photographs, 1915
88-2 - Regina College Photographs, 1913-1916