Beverly (Bev) Robertson

ROBERTSON, Beverly (Bev) (1939-2017)
Professor, Physicist, Business Owner
Beverly (Bev) Ellis Robertson was born on February 5, 1939 to parents John and Margaret Robertson in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He married and raised two children with his wife Elaine. Bev attended the University of New Brunswick to study physics and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in 1961. His 1965 Masters degree in Science, and his Doctoral degree, obtained in 1967, were from McMaster University and a Post-doctoral Associate in Chemistry was attained from Cornell University in 1969.
Robertson's research interests included crystal structures analysis and the relation to the physical properties of inorganic compounds and materials, polymorphism, polytypism and phase transformations.
He joined the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus faculty in 1969 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, was a member of the Canadian Association of Physicists for several years and was involved with revisions to the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act.
On sabbatical in Germany at the Universitãt der Stuttgart in 1976/77, Bev began to appreciate a distinctive pale lager known as Dortmunder and the locally produced premium label, Pilseners, which was been produced in Pilsen, Czech Republic since 1842. It was on the family's return to Canada, around 1979, that Bev began to search out a source for a better tasting beer and as an alternative to what was being offered, Robertson started making his own full mash beer and with a group of friends, the "Bushwhacker Brewers", bottling up to 3,000 12 oz. bottles over the winter months.
From 1988 to 1992 Robertson was chairman of the Saskatchewan Health Research Board. In 1988 Robertson suggested to the Conservative government of the day that the province of Saskatchewan allow brewpubs. After government legislation and regulations were finalized, and more than one attempt at obtaining a license was made, Bev and his group were successful at obtaining one of them and on January 25, 1991 Bushwakkers Brewpub in Regina's Old Warehouse District opened with Elaine Robertson as general manager. Bev's son Scott and daughter Kelly were on the team as well.
Dr. Robertson is also noted as being an Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel (Ret) of 38 Brigade Communications Regiment, Regina squadron. He was a member of the Canadian Association of Physicists and the Chemical Institute of Canada.
In 2014 Dr. Robertson became the founder of the Centre for Science and Public Policy within the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (JSGSPP) with a gift of $500,000 establishing two graduate fellowship scholarships.
Robertson became professor emeritus in 2003 and throughout his career published over 80 scientific and technical papers related to physics, chemistry, education, beer, hospitals, economics, the University and its role in the community, he also continued to publish papers until 2014. Bev Robertson passed away in November 2017.
Elizabeth Seitz, 2018
Edited by Scott Robertson
Photo Credit: Elaine Robertson
Archival Collections (Finding Aids in PDF format)
86-69 - (No Finding Aid Available)
89-46 - (No Finding Aid Available)
92-27 - (No Finding Aid Available)
2016-36 - Bushwakker Brewing Company Ltd. Compact Disk: "Six Pack and Hybrids", 2004
2018-2 - Personal and Professional Papers, 1966-2017