Kathryn MacLennan

Sessional Lecturer Campion College and Luther College)
MA (University of Regina); BA Hons (Luther College)

E-mail: Kathryn.MacLennan@uregina.ca

Research interests

• J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books
• Mythological Representations of the Archetypal Hero
• Representations of women in popular mediums
• Joseph Campbell
• Sylvia Plath
• Generic conventions in fantasy literature
• Oral Traditions and Storytelling
• Popular Ballads
• Arthurian Literature

Kathryn MacLennan was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan, attending both Luther College High School and Luther College at the University of Regina. Kathryn received a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from Luther College in 2005 and completed a thesis-based Master of Arts degree from the University of Regina in 2007, both in English. Her thesis, titled "Fair and Free": The Cultural Implications of Independent Women in Francis James Child's English and Scottish Popular Ballads, focused on what representations of women in the Popular Ballad of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries could tell modern readers about the women of the time.

 After a brief stint working at the Archer Library, Kathryn began teaching first-year English courses for both Luther and Campion College. Kathryn has worked as a sessional lecturer since Winter 2009, teaching ENGL 100 and 110.