Below are movies of the brightness and positions of future satellites at different latitudes and times of year, made from the simulations in Lawler, Boley, & Rein (2022, The Astrophysical Journal).

The code to make these simulations is open-source and publicly available in this github repository, and a simple webapp is available here. There is also an Apple device app available in the Apple app store that is based on our simulations.

The movies below are mainly the latitudes of cities where I have given (mostly remote) talks about satellite pollution. Want to see a different latitue? Try the webapp or send me an email to ask for a new simulation movie.

From north to south, the simulations I've put together (and an example city or few close to that latitude):

Latitude 54 degrees North (example cities: Edmonton, Dublin, Hamburg)

Latitude 50 degrees North (example cities: Regina, Vancouver, Brussels, Prague)

Latitude 48 degrees North (example cities: Seattle, Paris, Munich, Ulaanbaatar)

Latitude 46 degrees North (example cities: Seattle, Paris, Munich, Ulaanbaatar)

Latitude 44 degrees North (southern Ontario, Florence, Sapporo)

Latitude 42 degrees North (Boston, Chicago, Barcelona, Rome, Tbilisi)

Latitude 40 degrees North (Boulder, Ankara, Beijing)

Latitude 39 degrees North (Washington DC, Lisbon, Athens, Pyongyang)

Latitude 34 degrees North (Los Angeles, Atlanta, Casablanca, Islamabad, Osaka)>

Latitude 20 degrees North (Hilo, Mexico City, Mumbai, Hanoi)

Latitude 30 degrees South (Vera Rubin Observatory - Chile, Durban, Perth)

Latitude 44 degrees South (Christchurch, New Zealand)