Geography 327 Hydrology
- water flux over the earth's surface
- mostly streamflow since overland flow is very restricted in time and space
- much less variable in time and space than precipitation, because of the large storage
capacity of vegetation, soil, rock and lakes (top 30 cm of soil holds more water than the
overlying atmosphere)
- regional precipitation versus runoff is analogous to total water input versus effective
Weff = W - losses
- Weff : effective water input or effective precipitation
- W: total water input (measured precipitation)
- the losses are storage of precipitation in vegetation (interception), depression storage
and the evaporation of this water
- channel precipitation
- direct interception of precipitation by streams
- much less than 5% and usually less than 1% of runoff reflecting the area of surface
water as a proportion of basin area, i.e., only important where there is a large
area of wetlands or lakes or during floods
- but it always occurs
- overland flow
- unconfined runoff, expressed as discharge per unit width of slope
- saturation from above
- described by Horton in a series of papers in the '30s and '40s, where he suggested it
was the principal, if not only, mechanism of overland flow and occurred on virtually all
- sheet flow or anastomosing rivulets move as a kinematic wave (independent of the force, e.g.,
like traffic jams moving at a different rate than the traffic)
- it occurs when precipitation intensity exceeds infiltration capacity, i.e. only
- soil that is saturated with antecedent water or after a long duration rain
- frozen ground
- steep slopes and thin soil
- hydrophobic or compacted soil
- bare soil, because on vegetated surfaces, organic matter and biological activity
contribute to higher hydraulic conductivity and thus infiltration capacity
- in the 1960s, the partial-area concept was introduced, whereby Hortonian overland flow
occurs in a limited contributing area that varies from basin to basin but is fairly
constant within a basin, except for extreme events
- then field studies demonstrated that Hortonian overland flow was far from ubiquitous and
that more often saturation occurs from below
saturation overland flow
- saturation from below
- water is returned to the surface by exfiltration
- first identified for recharge of shallow groundwater, i.e., adjacent to humid
region streams
- it also occurs:
- in hillslope hollows where groundwater flow lines converge
- at slope concavities (i.e., base of many slopes); with decreasing hydraulic
gradient, flow decelerates and therefore the depth of subsurface flow increases
- in thin soils over an impermeable surface, e.g., rock, frozen ground, heavy soil
- where hydraulic conductivity decreases with depth and thus soil water becomes perched
- variable source area concept
- the area of saturation from below varies greatly with time, reflecting the overall
wetness of the watershed
- interflow
- lateral movement of soil water between the ground surface and a regional or perched
water table
- can account for a significant proportion of the runoff in humid regions
- in sloping landscapes, interflow may exfiltrate at the surface producing saturation
overland flow
matrix flow
- "water-content-dependent conductivity anisotropy:" (Dingman), i.e.,
depends on antecedent soil water conditions and flow is preferentially lateral given
greater lateral hydraulic conductivity than vertical
- a common condition since the porosity and permeability of soil tend to decrease with
depth given the weight of overlying soil and the translocation of material in percolating
macropore flow (rapid interflow)
- soil water passing quickly to a stream through root canals, animal tunnels or pipes
produced by subsurface erosion
- groundwater flow
- in the zone of saturation below a perched or regional water table
- days, weeks or even years may pass before water that seeps to the water table eventually
reaches a stream
- in dry soil, infiltrating water largely replenishes soil water storage and thus does not
contribute to groundwater recharge
- however, some groundwater can reach a stream during or shortly after an input event via
- translatory flow, when a belt of antecedent water is forced by new seeping water
- a rapid local rise in the water table producing a groundwater mound or ridge near
streams; the higher local hydraulic gradient produces a rapid flux of water from the
streamward side of the mound; it may also cause saturation overland flow on the
- a perched groundwater below a slope; these sloping slabs are not connected to the
regional groundwater circulation; they thicken downslope (again producing saturation
overland flow) and can contribute baseflow within days or less with intense rain and/or
permeable sediments
Flood (event, storm, response) hydrographs
- measurement of stream
- parameters to describe and quantify storm hydrographs:
peak discharge, lag time, baseflow, storm flow, rising limb, receding limb (recession),
groundwater recession
unit hydrograph
- a basic tool for evaluating the response of a watershed (area above a hydrometric
station) to precipitation or snow melt
- constructing by removing the baseflow and scaling the discharge data to represent the
response to 25 mm of water input
- for example, for the stormflow from 75 mm of rain, all the discharge data would be
divided by three (75/25) and plotted as a unit hydrograph
- these standardized hydrographs are then directly comparable among hydrometric stations
and runoff events
- stream response to hydroclimatic events reflects the relative
contributions of surface and subsurface runoff and thus all aspects of the physcial and
cultural geography of drainage basins
- these controls on the flood hydrograph range from transient
(storm characteristics) to permanent (basin physiography) with land
use in between since it can be relatively stable (e.g., forest) or change
annually (crop rotation)
- the influence of individual variables is fairly direct but then variables interact to
create very complex relationships between controlling factors and stream response
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