D.J. (Dave) Sauchyn
Research Coordinator
phone: 306-337-2299
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
1984 |
M.A. |
Colorado |
1979 |
B.Sc. |
Alberta |
1974 |
Physical Geography |
Geomorphology |
Hydrology |
Field Techniques |
Advanced Geomorphology |
Watershed Hydrology and Sediment Budgets |
GEOG 491/891 | Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation |
Funding: NSERC, Alberta Ingenuity Water Center , Manitoba Hydro, Inter American Institute for Global Change Research
Funding: Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Directorate, Sustainable Forest Management Network, Prince Albert Model Forest
Funding: SSHRC MCRI program, CIDA
Barichivich, Jonathan , David J. Sauchyn, Antonio Lara.Submitted.. Climate signals in high elevation tree-rings from the semiarid Andes of north-central Chile: responses to regional and large-scale variability. Submitted to Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, June 12, 2007.
Sauchyn, D., and Kulshreshtha, S. 2007. The Prairies; in From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007, edited by D.S. Lemmen, F.J. Warren, J., Lacroix and E. Bush; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Girardin, Martin P. and Dave Sauchyn. In press. Three centuries of annual area burned variability in northwestern North America inferred from tree rings. The Holocene.
Sauchyn, D.J. 2007. Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture in the Prairies Region. Pages 80-93 (Chapter 6) In Wall, E. B. Smit and J. Wandel (eds.) “Farming in a Changing Climate: Climate Agricultural Adaptation in Canada”, UBC Press, Vancouver, 295 pp.
Marchildon, GP, S Kulshreshtha, E Wheaton and D Sauchyn. In press.. Drought, Demographic Migration and Institutional Adaptation in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1914-1939. Submitted to Natural Hazards.
Sauchyn, D.J. and Maria Vélez Caicedo. In press. Saskatchewan’s Changing Climate. In Lewry, M. et al. (eds.) The geography of Saskatchewan. CPRC Press, Regina.
Sauchyn, D.J. 2007. Long Range Climate Outlook: Semi-arid? Advances in Pork Production, Volume 18: 75-81.
Sauchyn, Dave, Alain Pietroniro and Michael Demuth. 2006. Upland Watershed Management and Global Change – Canada’s Rocky Mountains and Western Plains. Proceedings, Fifth Biennial Rosenberg Forum on Water Policy, September 6-11, 2006, Banff, Alberta.
Tomkins, J.D., Lamoureux, S.F. and Sauchyn, D.J. Submitted. Glacial influences on sediment availability and climate reconstruction based on a comparison of varve and tree ring records from Mirror Lake, Northwest Territories. Submitted to Quaternary Science Reviews, April 2007.
St. George, Scott and Dave Sauchyn. 2006.Paleoenvironmental Perspectives on Drought in Western Canada. Canadian Water Resources Journal 31(4): 197-204.
Beriault, A. and Sauchyn, D.J. 2006. Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow in the Churchill River basin, northern Saskatchewan. Canadian Water Resources Journal 31(4): 249-262.
Sauchyn, D.J. and Maria Vélez Caicedo. In press. Saskatchewan’s Changing Climate. In Lewry, M. et al. (eds.) The geography of Saskatchewan. CPRC Press, Regina.
Sauchyn, Dave, Jodi Axelson and Antoine Beriault. 2006. Proxy Streamflow Records for Water Planning In Western Canada. Technical Bureau Supplement, Water News 25(2): 11-17.
Sauchyn, David J., Jodi Axelson, César Pérez Valdivia, Jennifer Anticknap and Antoine Beriault. 2006. A Drought History for the Western Interior Spanning 700 years and 19 Degrees of Latitude. Proceedings, Canadian Water Resource Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, June 4-7, 2006.
Sauchyn, D.J. and Kennedy, S.D. 2005. The potential for land degradation under climate change in the vicinity of six rural communities in Saskatchewan. Prairie Forum 30(2): 173–186.
Ermine. Willie; Nilson, Ralph; Sauchyn, David; Sauve, Ernest; and Smith, Robin. 2005. ISI ASKIWAN – The State of the Land: Prince Albert Grand Council Elders’ Forum on Climate Change. Journal of Aboriginal Health, 2(1): 62-75.
Sauchyn, D.J., Kennedy, S.D., and Stroich, J. 2005. Drought, climate change and the risk of desertification on the Canadian Plains. Prairie Forum, 30(1): 143-156.
Sauchyn, D.J., Khandekar, M, and Garnett, E.R. (eds.) 2005. “The Science , Impacts and Monitoring of Drought in Western Canada: Proceedings for the Canadian Prairie Drought Workshop”, Calgary, Alberta, May 26-28, 2004.
Sauchyn, D.J. 2005. A 250-Year Climate and Human History of Prairie Drought. In Sauchyn, D.J., Khandekar, M, and Garnett, E.R. (eds.) “The Science , Impacts and Monitoring of Drought in Western Canada: Proceedings for the Canadian Prairie Drought Workshop”, Calgary, Alberta, May 26-28, 2004.
Sauchyn, D.J. 2005. Climate Change – The Past. The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan, p. 179. CPRC Press, Regina.
Sauchyn, D.J. 2004. The Paleoclimate Record. Section 2.3 (p. 7-9) In “Climate Variability and Change in Canada: Past, Present and Future” edited by Elaine Barrow, Barrie Maxwell and Phillipe Gachon. ACSD Science Assessment Series No.2, Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada, Toronto, Ontario, 114 p.
Sauchyn, D.J, Beriault, A.L., Kokelj, S.A., and Spence, C. 2004. Streamflow variability in the western boreal forest for past 300 years. Proceedings of 57th Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Congress: Water and climate change: Knowledge for better adaptation. June 16-18 2004, Montreal, QC, Canada
Sauchyn, D.J. 2003. Adaptation: The other response to global warming. The Professional Edge, 88: 21.
Sauchyn, D.J., Stroich, J. and Beriault, A. 2003. A paleoclimatic context for the drought of 1999-2001 in the northern Great Plains. The Geographical Journal, 169(2): 158-167.
Sauchyn, D.J., Joss B.N., and Nyirfa, W.N. 2003. Sharing the geo-referenced results of climate change impact research. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 88: 389-397.
Sauchyn, D.J; Barrow, E.; Hopkinson, R.F.; and Leavitt, P. 2002. Aridity on the Canadian Plains. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, vol. 56(2-3) : 247-259.
Sauchyn, D.J. 2001. Modeling the
hydroclimatic disturbance of soil landscapes in the southern Canadian plains:
The problems of scale and place. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,
67 : 277-291.
Sauchyn, D.J. 2001. Geoenvironmental mapping in southwestern Saskatchewan: Rainfall erosion potential. In Geoenvironmental Mapping: Method, Theory and Practice; edited by P. Bobrowsky, Balkema, Rotterdam.
Sauchyn, D.J. and
Skinner, W.R. 2001. A proxy PDSI record
for the southwestern Canadian plains.
Canadian Water Resource Journal, 26(2) : 253-272.
Sauchyn, D.J.,
Joss, B.N., and Kennedy, S.D. 2001.An Internet map server in support of climate
change impacts and adaptation research. Proceedings of GeoSask 2001
Wolfe, S.A.,
Huntley, D.J., David, P.P., Ollerhead, J., Sauchyn, D.J. and Macdonald, G.M.
2001. Late 18th century drought-induced sand dune activity, Great Sand Hills,
southwestern Saskatchewan. Canadian
Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(1): 105-117.
Sauchyn, D.J. 1999. Geomorphology
of the western Cypress Hills: Climate,
process, stratigraphy and theory. In Holocene climate and environmental change
in the Palliser Triangle: a geoscientific context for evaluating the impacts of
climate change on the southern Canadian Prairies; edited by D.S. Lemmen and R.E. Vance; Geological Survey of Canada
Bulletin 534.
Sauchyn, D.J. and
Nelson. H.. 1999. The cause and erosion of
Police Point landslide, southeastern Alberta. In Holocene climate and
environmental change in the Palliser Triangle: a geoscientific context for
evaluating the impacts of climate change on the southern Canadian Prairies;
edited by D.S. Lemmen and R.E. Vance;
Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 534.
Spence, C.D.and
Sauchyn, D.J. 1999. Characterizing valley head erosional processes, upper
Battle Creek Basin, Alberta and Saskatchewan Cypress Hills. In Holocene climate
and environmental change in the Palliser Triangle: a geoscientific context for
evaluating the impacts of climate change on the southern Canadian Prairies;
edited by D.S. Lemmen and R.E. Vance;
Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 534.
Porter, S.C.,
Sauchyn, D.J., and Delorme, L.D. 1999. The Ostracode Record from Harris Lake,
southwestern Saskatchewan: 9200 years of local environmental change. Journal of
Paleolimnology 21: 35-44.