
Carlos Andres Florez Bustos, Mykhailo Dalchenko, Nitish Dhingra, Bhaskar Dutta, Yu Gao, Teruki Kamon, Nikolay Kolev, Ryan Mueller, Yongdo Oh, Manuel Alejandto Segura, Sean Wu, Zhenbin Wu.


The theoretical paper is here: Distinguishing Standard Model Extensions using Monotop Chirality at the LHC

Yu Gao's talk (CETUP 2015 Dark Matter Session, Deadwood, South Dakota, June 14-26,2015): Nonthermal Dark Matter & Top Polarization at Collider

Mykhailo Dalchenko's talk (27th Rencontres de Blois - Particle Physics and Cosmology, Chateau de Blois, 41000 Blois, France, May 31 - June 5, 2015): Probing the Nonthermal Dark Matter at Hadron Colliders with the Wvents Containing a Single Top Quark in the Final State

Yu Gao's slides on monojet: Probing Light Nonthermal Dark Matter & LHC

Minsuk's monotop review: Monotops at the LHC

MG twiki on MLM matching (requires CERN authentication):

Code for determining xqcut / QCUT values (requires CERN authentication):

Colour Tracing Problem

Use the model baryogenX2N1MajWithLeftHand_UFO.tar.

Generaate madgraph stuff madgraph_generation.txt.

Use the lhe file (with an slha copy by removing everything outside the slha tag) with pythia 8.

Run pythia 8 with the main program

Pythia 8 fails with output monotop.out

Torborn Sjostrand's comments: SjostrandEmails.txt

So it turned out to be a pythia 8 problem; here are Peter Skand's comments.

We have a temporary fix for 1 extra jets, which is based on changing the (anti)color of the problematic gluon to a matching pair (e.g. 502 502). The code is here. The code uses C++ STL, so there may be compiler specific issues.


Nitish 2015-07-15

Youngdo 2014-12-08

Andres 2016-03-22

Nikolay 2016-03-22

Andres 2016-03-22

Nitish 2016-03-24

Nitish 2016-04-03

Nikolay 2016-04-22

Andres 2016-05-06

Andres 2016-05-17

Andres 2016-05-18

Andres 2016-05-24

Nikolay 2016-05-27

Nikolay 2016-05-31

Andres 2016-06-10

Andres 2016-06-10

Andres 2016-06-15

Andres 2016-06-16

Andres 2016-06-28

Andres 2016-06-29

Andres 2016-07-08

Andres 2016-07-15

Nikolay 2016-07-19

Andres 2016-07-22 first version

Andres 2016-07-22 second version

Nikolay 2016-07-29

Andres 2016-08-05

Andres 2016-08-09

Andres 2016-08-12

Nikolay 2016-08-12

Ryan 2016-08-16

Nikolay 2016-08-19

Nikolay 2016-08-23

Andres 2016-08-23

Andres 2016-08-24

Ryan 2016-08-30 first version

Ryan 2016-08-30 second version

Ryan 2016-08-30 third version

Ryan 2016-08-30 fourth version

Generation Procedure

Program versions table.

For all coupling (right, left, full) in madgraph use the model BaryogenX2N1Maj_withLeft.tar.gz

For right coupling use this: param_card_right.dat

For left coupling use this: param_card_left.dat

For full coupling use this: param_card_full.dat

Current Status