Carlos Andres Florez Bustos, Mykhailo Dalchenko, Nitish Dhingra, Bhaskar Dutta, Yu Gao, Teruki Kamon, Nikolay Kolev, Ryan Mueller, Yongdo Oh, Manuel Alejandto Segura, Sean Wu, Zhenbin Wu.References:
The theoretical paper is here: Distinguishing Standard Model Extensions using Monotop Chirality at the LHC
Yu Gao's talk (CETUP 2015 Dark Matter Session, Deadwood, South Dakota, June 14-26,2015): Nonthermal Dark Matter & Top Polarization at Collider
Mykhailo Dalchenko's talk (27th Rencontres de Blois - Particle Physics and Cosmology, Chateau de Blois, 41000 Blois, France, May 31 - June 5, 2015): Probing the Nonthermal Dark Matter at Hadron Colliders with the Wvents Containing a Single Top Quark in the Final State
Yu Gao's slides on monojet: Probing Light Nonthermal Dark Matter & LHC
Minsuk's monotop review: Monotops at the LHC
MG twiki on MLM matching (requires CERN authentication):
Code for determining xqcut / QCUT values (requires CERN authentication):
Colour Tracing Problem
Use the model baryogenX2N1MajWithLeftHand_UFO.tar.
Generaate madgraph stuff madgraph_generation.txt.
Use the lhe file (with an slha copy by removing everything outside the slha tag) with pythia 8.
Run pythia 8 with the main program
Pythia 8 fails with output monotop.out
Torborn Sjostrand's comments: SjostrandEmails.txt
So it turned out to be a pythia 8 problem; here are Peter Skand's comments.
We have a temporary fix for 1 extra jets, which is based on changing the (anti)color of the problematic gluon to a matching pair (e.g. 502 502). The code is here. The code uses C++ STL, so there may be compiler specific issues.
Andres 2016-07-22 first version
Andres 2016-07-22 second version
Ryan 2016-08-30 second version
Ryan 2016-08-30 fourth version
Generation Procedure
Program versions table.
For all coupling (right, left, full) in madgraph use the model BaryogenX2N1Maj_withLeft.tar.gz
For right coupling use this: param_card_right.dat
For left coupling use this: param_card_left.dat
For full coupling use this: param_card_full.dat
Current Status