Douglas Farenick
PhD 1990 (University of Toronto)
Professor of Mathematics
Dean, Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2, Canada
douglas.farenick "at"
Office location:
Laboratory Building 225;
Telephone (306) 585-4143
Area of Research
Operator theory
Recent Publications (* indicates the co-author is/was an undergraduate student, graduate student, or postdoctoral fellow under my supervision or co-supervision)
- E. Grafton, M. Gordon, K. Rustad*, V.Ziffle, M. Hart, D. Farenick, Learning journeys: co-creating science camps for Indigenous youth in community, Canadian Journal of Native Education, to appear.
- D. Farenick, Matrix convexity and unitary power dilations of Toeplitz-contractive operators, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, to appear. (open access link)
- D. Farenick, M. McBurney*, Toeplitz separability, entanglement, and complete positivity using operator system duality,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 10 (2023), 114-128. (open access link)
- D. Farenick, R. Tessier*, Purity of embeddings of operator systems into their C*- and injective envelopes,
Pacific Journal of Mathematics 317 (2022), 317-338.
- D. Farenick, O. Ojo*, S. Plosker, Universality of Weyl unitaries,
Linear Algebra and its Applications 634 (2022), 57-76.
- D. Farenick, The operator system of Toeplitz matrices,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 8 (2021), 999-1023. (open access link)
Selected Non-Recent Publications
- D. Farenick, M. Rahaman*, Bures contractive channels on operator algebras, New York Journal of Mathematics 23 (2017), 1369-1393.
- D. Farenick, A. Kavruk, V.I. Paulsen, I.G. Todorov,
Operator systems from discrete groups, Communications in Mathematical Physics 329 (2014), 207-238.
- D. Farenick, V.I. Pauslen,
Operator system quotients of matrix algebras and their tensor products, Mathematica Scandinavica 111 (2012), 210-243.
- D. Farenick, S. Plosker, J. Smith*, Classical and nonclassical randomness in quantum measurements, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011), 122204 (26 pp).
- M. Argerami, D. Farenick, P. Massey,
The gap between local multiplier algebras of C*-algebras,
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) 60 (2009), 273-281.
- D. Farenick, F. Zhou*, Jensen's inequality relative to matrix-valued measures, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 327 (2007) 919-929.
- D. Farenick, C. Ramsey*, Unitary groups of nondegenerate Hermitian forms and the homotopy groups of pseudospheres, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 212 (2008), 2358-2367.
- M. Argerami, D. Farenick, Young's inequality in trace-class operators, Mathematische Annalen 325 (2003), 727-744.
- D. Farenick, Extremal matrix states on operator systems, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 61 (2000), 885-892.
- D. Farenick, H. Zhou*, The structure of C*-extreme points in spaces of completely positive linear maps on C*-algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 126 (1998), 1467-1477.
- D. Farenick, W.Y. Lee, Hyponormality and spectra of Toeplitz operators, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 348 (1996), 4153-4174.
- D. Farenick, Normal compressions and restrictions to 2-dimensional subspaces, and the Berberian spectral extension, Linear
and Multilinear Algebra 37 (1994), 131-138.
- D. Farenick, C*-convexity and matricial ranges, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 44 (1992), 280-297.
Selected Recent Professional and Community Service