How-To Guides
How to Submit Your Physics Assignment
After years of frustration having to grade poorly written physics assignments, I found these tips from: Prof. Paolo Gondolo (UTAH). After some modifications I leave them here in the hope that some student will read them.
- Remember to answer the question that is being asked. After solving the equations, come back and read the question again !
- Always draw a clear diagram showing your choice of reference axes, +/- directions, and other relevant data. Remember, a good diagram is worth a thousand words (and sometimes a few points, too).
- Always specify the units for all physical quantities. We are doing physics, units matter !
- If the quantity is a vector, then in addition to the units you should also always specify the direction. This could be in words ('+x direction', '-y direction', '40o W of N', '20o with the upward vertical', etc); or by sketching a small figure indicating the direction. Always indicate a vector quantity by drawing a small arrow on top. This will serve to remind you that when you add vectors, you have to add them using the rule of vector addition, taking directions into account. If you forget to put in the arrows, you might add them as scalars by mistake. This is a common, but very costly mistake.
- Always start by explaining the physical phenomenon and write down the general form of the equation you are using before putting any numbers in.
- Always write down what is known and what is required. Mark, e.g. underline, what (usually a variable) you are trying to find.
- Always give your answer to a reasonable number of significant figures. Just because your calculator gives you answers to 7 figures does not mean that they are all significant.
- If you are using a physical law or principle, always state what it is.
Always work your problems algebraically all the way to the end, meaning you have the variable whose value you want on one side of an equals sign, and the algebraic expression in terms of things that you know on the other.
- Only at the end, substitute numerical values with units into the algebraic formula to calculate the final answer. Check that the units cancel algebraically to give the correct units for the answer.
- Never submit an answer that is just a bunch of numbers multiplied/divided/added/subtracted. This type of answer makes no sense at all, and can really irritate the reader. Since the reader is the one giving you a grade, providing answers like this is not a good strategy.
- Always work out your solutions in clear, logical steps. This has many advantages. It enables you to quickly check for errors. You are also more likely to get partial credit since the examiner can see clearly what you are doing.
- Once you get an answer, always pause and think about whether the answer makes sense! For example, is the sign of the answer consistent with what you expect? Is the magnitude ridiculous? Do the units match? If you suspect an error, always check your work again. If you cannot spot the error, or have run out of time, always indicate to the examiner that you realize the answer is wrong (give reasons why) but that you cannot locate the source of error.
- In a multipart question, if you cannot solve part (a) but you need that answer to work the remaining parts, do not quit! Use a symbol for the answer to part (a) and get the answers to the other parts in terms of that symbol. You will get partial credit for this.
- Always enclose your final answer in a box so that there is no doubt about it. If a problem has more than one part, the solution of each part must be boxed.
- Write big, use lots of space and lots of paper. Illegibility is grounds for losing points. If necessary, copy your calculation over to a new sheet for clarity. Better safe than sorry.
- Show that you care about the work that you are doing ! Crumpled and torn pages, illegible letters and lack of organization discourages the reader.
How to Install ROOT and GEANT4 (with CLHEP) on UBUNTU
The official documentation are here: ROOT Website and
GEANT4 Website
ROOT and GEANT4 are indispensable tools for several HEP researchers. As they depend on many packages, sometimes their installation can be stressful,
try to follow the steps below and hopefully you will not find big problems.
Intall ROOT first and then GEANT4. Usually my folder structure is: / home / user / Packages / Root / Root_version /
and 3 folders: a Install, Build and the folder with Source files. Same for Geant4.
You can have multiple versions of ROOT and GEANT4, and 'source' them in your terminal, for that create a .sh file for each project.
ROOT 6.28.06 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS -------------------------------#
#--- Here are the instruction on how to build from the source file. ---#
#--- You can also try binary distributions that you don't need to compile. ---#
#--- The instructions are for the almost minimal installation, ---#
#--- Only Pyroot and Minuit packages are enabled as extra. ---#
#--- If you need more Root extra features check the website for all the options. ---#
#-------------------------- Update Your System -----------------------------#
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt -y autoremove
#--- Python3 is already inside Ubuntu 22 but make sure you have it ---#
python3 --version
#--- You will also need these packages: ---#
sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev python3-pip git-all install-info dpkg-dev cmake g++ gcc binutils libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxft-dev libxext-dev libssl-dev
#-----------------------Build Additional packages-----------------------#
#--- There is no need to build the additional packages for what we are doing here --- #
#-----------------------Unzip the file (in the 'Source' folder)-----------------------#
#--- Download the lastest release:
tar -xzvf file_name
(x=extract, z=zipped, v=verb, f=filename)
#--------------Cmake(in the 'build' folder)----------------------#
cmake -Dminuit2=ON -Dpyroot=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/Install /path/to/Source
#--------------Execute this in the build folder-----------------------------------#
#--- 'N' is the core number available in your computer ---#
make -jN
make install
#-----------------------Add this to your .bashrc file-----------------------#
export ROOTSYS="/path/to/install/"
export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH
source "/path/to/bin"/
#--- A good test is to open ROOT and try 'new TBrowser' it should open without problems ---#
#--- This ROOT version is using a web based TBrowser, which I did not like ---#
#--- In the .bashrc you can create an alias:
alias root='root --web=off'---#
#--- If I add the ROOT to my .bashrc, I like to make it print the loaded ROOT version:
echo -e "ROOT loaded = 6.28.06"---#
CLHEP on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS -------------------------------#
#--- Here are the instruction on how to build from the source file ---#
#--- You don't need to install CLHEP to use GEANT4 ! ---#
#--- Only go through this if you have to use a software that requires it ---#
#-----------------------Unzip the file (in the 'Source' folder)-----------------------#
#--- Download the lastest release:
tar -xzvf file_name
(x=extract, z=zipped, v=verb, f=filename)
#--------------Cmake(in the 'build' folder)----------------------#
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../source/
#--------------Execute this in the build folder-----------------------------------#
#--- 'N' is the core number available in your computer ---#
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build . --target install
#-----------------------Add this to your .bashrc file-----------------------#
export CLHEP_DIR="/path/to/install/"
export PATH=$CLHEP_DIR/bin:$PATH
GEANT4 11.1.0 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS -------------------------------#
#--- Here are the instruction on how to build from the source file ---#
#--- You can also try binary distributions that you don't need to compile ---#
#--- If you need more GEANT4 extra features check the website for all the options ---#
#-----------------------Build Additional packages-----------------------
sudo apt install flex bison libxerces-c-dev build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev qtcreator qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake qt3d5-dev libexpat1-dev libxmu-dev libx11-dev
#-----------------------Unzip the file (in the 'Source' folder)-----------------------#
#--- Download the lastest release:
tar -xzvf file_name
(x=extract, z=zipped, v=verb, f=filename)
#-----------------------In the Build Folder----------------------
#--- Pay Attention to the modules that are ON or OFF maybe you will not need them (or you will need more) ---#
#--------------Execute this in the build folder-----------------------------------#
#--- N is the core number available in your computer ---#
make -jN
make install
#-----------------------Add this to your .bashrc file-----------------------#
source "/path/to/bin"/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Packages/GEANT4/Geant4-v11.0.3/install/lib
#--- A good test is compile and run example B1. ---#
#--- Sometimes GEANT4 applications have problems finding ROOT, ---#
#--- Most of the times it can be solved by including the line below in the CMakeLists.txt ---#
include(${ROOT_USE_FILE}) ---#