Douglas Farenick

Dean of Science

Office: Laboratory Building 224
Phone: 306-585-4143
Pronoun(s): he/him

Research interests
Operator theory, operator algebras, quantum information theory

Recent Publications

1) Farenick, Douglas; McBurney, Michelle.  Toeplitz separability, entanglement, and complete positivity using operator system duality.  Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 10 (2023), 114–128.

2) Farenick, Douglas; Tessier, Ryan Purity of the embeddings of operator systems into their C- and injective envelopes. Pacific J. Math. 317 (2022), no. 2, 317–338.

3) Farenick, Douglas; Huntinghawk, Farrah; Masanika, Adili; Plosker, Sarah Corrigendum to "Complete order equivalence of spin unitaries'' [Linear Algebra Appl. 610 (2021) 1–28]. Linear Algebra Appl. 635 (2022), 201–202.

4) Farenick, Douglas; Ojo, Oluwatobi Ruth; Plosker, Sarah. Universality of Weyl unitaries. Linear Algebra Appl. 634 (2022), 57–76.


1) D. Farenick, Fundamentals of Functional Analysis. Springer, New York. 2016.

2) D. Farenick, Algebras of Linear Transformations. Springer, New York. 2001.