Shaun Fallat


Office: CW 307.2
Phone: 306-585-4107

Research interests
Matrix theory, discrete mathematics, graph theory, combinatorial matrix analysis

Recent Publications

1) Barrett, Wayne; Fallat, Shaun; Furst, Veronika; Nasserasr, Shahla; Rooney, Brendan; Tait, Michael.  Regular graphs of degree at most four that allow two distinct eigenvalues.  Linear Algebra Appl. 679 (2023), 127–164.

2) Abiad, Aida; Fallat, Shaun M.; Kempton, Mark; Levene, Rupert H.; Oblak, Polona; Šmigoc, Helena; Tait, Michael; Vander Meulen, Kevin N.  Bordering of symmetric matrices and an application to the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues for the join of graphs.  Linear Algebra Appl. 679 (2023), 104–126.

3) Barrett, Wayne; Fallat, Shaun; Furst, Veronika; Kenter, Franklin; Nasserasr, Shahla; Rooney, Brendan; Tait, Michael; van der Holst, Hein.  Sparsity of graphs that allow two distinct eigenvalues.  Linear Algebra Appl. 674 (2023), 377–395.

4) Fallat, Shaun; Kirkpatrick, David; Simon, Hans U.; Soltani, Abolghasem; Zilles, Sandra.  On batch teaching without collusion.  J. Mach. Learn. Res. 24 (2023), Paper No. [40], 33 pp.

5) Fallat, Shaun; Parenteau, Johnna. Null vectors, Schur complements, and Parter vertices.  Involve 15 (2022), no. 5, 843–856.



1)  S.M. Fallat, C.R. Johnson, Totally nonnegative matrices. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 2011.