Student Appeals
Disciplinary Appeals
Students have a right to appeal any penalty that is imposed for academic or non-academic misconduct to the Council Discipline Committee.
Academic Appeals
Students have a right to appeal academic decisions of faculty to the Council Committee on Student Appeals.
Appeals and Holds
Council Committee on Student Appeals (CCSA)
The Council Committee on Student Appeals ensures that the Council has appointed a committee that will hear and decide upon all appeals by students or others on academic matters in connection with any faculty of the University. With the exception of matters heard by the Council Discipline Committee, all appeals and applications by students regarding faculty decisions (including RTD's) will be heard by the Council Committee on Student Appeals.
Grounds for appeal to the Council Committee on Student Appeals should be based upon one or more of the following:
- There is additional relevant information which was not considered at the faculty level.
- There was a problem in procedure at the faculty level.
- The substance of the case was not considered correctly at the faculty level. For example, relevant rules and regulations were applied incorrectly.
- Even if relevant rules and regulations were applied correctly, the resulting decision is unfair or unreasonable in the circumstances.
The Committee provides a full hearing. If misconduct is substantiated, the Committee has authority to assign a penalty that is the same as, less or more severe than, the original penalty.
Membership of the Council Committee on Student Appeals
- 4 members of Council (4 alternates)
- 3 students (3 alternates) including at least one member and one alternate from the GSA
- Chair of Council Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Studies (CCUAS)
- Chair of the Graduate Studies PhD Committee
- University Secretary (non-voting)
Formal requests for appeal must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the decision by the relevant Faculty-Level appeal body to:
The University Secretary
University of Regina
Administration/Humanities Building, Room 509
Regina SK S4S 0A2
Tel: 306-585-4956; Fax: 306-585-5255
E-mail: Student.Appeals@uregina.ca
Procedures of the Council Committee on Student Appeals
Terms of Reference and Procedures (PDF)
Student Submission Template (PDF)
Annual Reports
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2017-2018) (PDF)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2018-2019) (PDF)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2019-2020) (PDF)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2020-2021)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2021-2022) (PDF)
A student who has committed or is under investigation for an act of Academic Misconduct will have a hold placed on their student account. The hold remains on the student's account for 30 days following the decision letter by the Faculty. If the student does not submit a formal request to appeal the decision of the Faculty within the 30 days, the hold is automatically lifted from their account after 30 days. If the student wishes to appeal the decision, the hold remains on their account until a decision is reached following his/her appeal hearing.
During the hold period, a student is not able to register for classes on his/her own, verify grades or obtain transcripts. Should a student need to perform any of these actions, a student can perform these actions with the help of their Faculty advisor.
Removing an Academic Hold
If a student does not wish to appeal the penalty that has been assigned, and would like the hold removed from the student account prior to the end of the 30 day period, students can submit a Request to Remove the Hold on Student Account form to the University Secretariat.
The University Secretary
University of Regina
Administration/Humanities Building, Room 509
Regina SK S4S 0A2
Tel: 306-585-4956; fax: 306-585-5255
E-mail: Student.Appeals@uregina.ca
Appeals to the Council Discipline Committee (CDC)
The Council Discipline Committee ensures that the University enacts its student disciplinary bylaws in accordance with the principles of natural justice. It is also the body responsible for hearing all student appeals with respect to decisions of academic and non-academic misconduct.
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic) as Chair
- 3 members of Council (3 alternates)
- 3 students (3 alternates) including at least one member and one alternate from GSA
- University Secretary (non-voting)
Grounds for appeal to the CDC are based on one or more of the following:
- There is additional relevant information which was not considered by the Investigating Dean.
- There was a problem in procedure during the investigation
- The substance of the case was not considered correctly by the Investigating Dean. For example, relevant rules and regulations were applied incorrectly.
- Even if relevant rules and regulations were applied correctly, the resulting decision is unfair or unreasonable in the circumstances.
The Committee provides a full hearing. If misconduct is substantiated, the Committee has authority to assign a penalty that is the same as, less or more severe than, the original penalty.
A process map (PDF) has been developed to show the steps of the appeal process, — from the investigation to the final decision.
Requests for a hearing before the Council Discipline Committee must be submitted in writing and within 30 days of the date of imposition of the penalty, to:
The University Secretary
University of Regina
Administration/Humanities Building, Room 510
Regina SK S4S 0A2
Tel: 306-585-4956
E-mail: Student.Appeals@uregina.ca
Petitions to the Council Discipline Committee
A student who has been expelled for academic or non-academic misconduct may petition the Council Discipline Committee for permission to apply for readmission to the University of Regina.
Rules for Petitioning to Return following a suspension or expulsion are included in Section B: Council Discipline Committee Terms of Reference (PDF).
Petitions must be submitted in writing to:
The University Secretary
University of Regina
Administration/Humanities Building, Room 510
Regina SK S4S 0A2
Tel: 306-585-4956
E-mail: Student.Appeals@uregina.ca
Supporting Appeal Documents
Terms of Reference and Procedure (PDF)
Regulations Governing Discipline for Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct (PDF)
Student Submission Template for the Council Discipline Committee (PDF)
Student Submission Template for Petitioning to the Council Discipline Committee (PDF)
Annual Reports
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2022-2023) (PDF)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2021-2022) (PDF)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2020-2021)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2019-2020) (PDF)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2018-2019) (PDF)
Annual Report to Executive of Council (2017-2018) (PDF)
If the student or the University officer is dissatisfied with the decision of the Council Discipline Committee (CDC) or the Council Committee on Student Appeals (CCSA), either may appeal the decision to the Senate Appeals Committee.
The onus is on the appellant to demonstrate that the decision of the Committee was manifestly unfair or contrary to the evidence presented. No witnesses are permitted and no new evidence is entertained.
The Senate Appeals Committee is a committee of Senate and has eight members including: three lay members of senate, two students, two deans, and the Chancellor or Vice-chancellor (Chair).
Requests for a hearing before the Senate Appeals Committee must be submitted, in writing and within 30 days of the date of imposition of the penalty, to:
The University Secretary
University of Regina
Administration/Humanities Building, Room 510
Regina SK S4S 0A2
Tel: 306-585-4956
E-mail: Student.Appeals@uregina.ca
The University's expectations regarding student conduct, both generally and with respect to academic studies, are outlined below. For full information, consult the Undergraduate Calendar.
Actions taken and penalties imposed when misconduct has occurred are guided by the principle of progressive discipline. This means that penalties assigned and actions taken will increase in severity for subsequent acts of misconduct and will take into account the severity of the misconduct.
For more information refer to Student Code of Conduct and Right to Appeal in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Academic Misconduct
Cheating in examinations, plagiarism (using others' ideas without acknowledgement), giving false information to University staff to gain an academic advantage, downloading an assignment from the Internet, and writing an examination on behalf of someone else are examples of academic misconduct. All forms of academic misconduct are unacceptable in the University, and are subject to penalties. For more information on the complete list of definitions and actions that are considered to be academic misconduct, refer to Academic Misconduct under Student Code of Conduct and Right to Appeal in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Penalties for Academic Misconduct
The possible penalties for academic misconduct, depending on its nature and whether or not there have been previous occurrences, include a warning, a reduction in the grade for an assignment, a grade of XF (academic misconduct) in a course, loss and/or repayment of scholarships and other awards, suspension (dismissal for a fixed time), expulsion (dismissal indefinitely), and the withholding or rescinding of a degree. A grade of XF, suspension, and expulsion appear on the official transcript.
All penalties may be appealed to the Council Discipline Committee.
Student Behaviour and Related Policies
Consideration for others and respect for each person are important principles within the University community. All students, academic staff, support staff and administrators must be able to work and study in an environment that is free from harassment, discrimination, and intimidation. As well, all members of the community are entitled to fair and humane treatment. The University expects that students will therefore conduct themselves appropriately, respectfully and responsibly.
Non-Academic Misconduct
Actions such as harassment or intimidation of another student or a member of the University's staff, disruption of classes, theft, damage to property, vandalism, and assault are considered non-academic misconduct. In addition to being subject to University penalties, some may incur criminal prosecution. Refer to Non-Academic Misconduct under Student Code of Conduct and Right to Appeal in the Undergraduate Calendar for a complete description of non-academic misconduct.
If you are the victim of an act of misconduct, please contact Protective Services at 306-585-4999, or, for an act of harassment, discrimination and conflict contact the Coordinator, Respectful University Services (306-585-5400).
Penalties for Non-Academic Misconduct
The possible penalties for non-academic misconduct include a warning, a fine or restitution, restricted access to facilities, probation, suspension (dismissal for a fixed time), banned from campus and expulsion (dismissal indefinitely). Suspension and expulsion appear on the official transcript.
All penalties may be appealed to the Council Discipline Committee.
Academic Integrity Resources at the University of Regina
- How do I cite...? – Dr. John Archer Library
- Citation Style Guides – Dr. John Archer Library
- Avoiding Plagiarism – Dr. John Archer Library
- Services to support students' learning experience at the University of Regina - Student Success Centre
- Academic Support for International Students – Global Learning Centre
- Academic Integrity Hub
Anonymous Reporting of Academic Misconduct
Anyone may report academic misconduct. If you believe a student has engaged in academic misconduct, it is best to report this to your instructor for further investigation. However, there might be reasons that you prefer to instead report potential academic misconduct through this website.
When reporting academic misconduct, please be sure to include enough details to begin an investigation. For example, these details might include:
- The name of the class or classes where the misconduct occurred
- Name of the student(s) who you believe have engaged in misconduct
- The estimated date(s) of the alleged academic misconduct
Details of academic misconduct (i.e. cheating on a final exam, purchase of an essay paper, unauthorized sharing of materials, etc.)
Below is a fillable web form. Fields marked with an asterisk are required to be completed. If you wish to remain anonymous, please do not enter your name and personal contact information. However, please be aware that the ability to pursue an investigation will be impacted by the amount of information provided through this reporting form.