Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus
The University of Regina is committed to providing a safe and healthy work and study environment for all members of the University community and campus visitors, which includes promoting safety and responsibility in the use of alcohol in all areas of campus life. The University has been issued a Special Use Permit from the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA). This policy governs the sale and service of all alcoholic beverages at the University of Regina under that permit and identifies the processes to be followed to obtain permission to serve alcohol on campus. This policy does not apply to approved research projects utilizing alcohol in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Only those licensed to do so, and with the authorization of the University, may bring alcoholic beverages onto University property. The University expects that those who wish to include alcohol as part of their activities will do so legally and responsibly. The use of alcoholic beverages on campus is limited to specific locations and to certain types of functions. Locations Approved for Serving of Alcohol (Appendix A) (342 KB) , identifies the recommended and approved areas for hosting functions serving alcohol. An Application for a Function at Which Alcoholic Beverages will be Served (Appendix B) (567 KB)
must be completed, approved and displayed at the function site for random inspection by University of Regina Protective Services, Regina Police Service, or SLGA inspectors.
Private residences, such as student residence rooms, are exempt from the restrictions of the Special Use Permit; however, SLGA’s Regulations are still in effect and the requirements of this policy must be obeyed.
Individuals planning events on campus, or off-campus for University participants, should be mindful of the complexities introduced by including alcohol service at the event. These may include health and/or behaviour issues related to the consumption of alcohol, safety, security, and liability, among other considerations. Event organizers must not plan events that encourage or promote over-consumption, and should keep in mind that many members of the University community are not of legal drinking age and/or may choose not to drink alcohol at all. University events that include alcohol should also include and welcome non-drinking participants, without exception.
Groups that apply to host events on campus where alcoholic beverages are to be served must be bonafide organizations. Student groups must be recognized and sanctioned by URSU, and other groups must be identified within programs of the University.
When hosting functions where alcohol is to be served, hosting groups are encouraged to arrange for the use of facilities designed primarily for that purpose. This includes the areas listed on Appendix A.
The University maintains the right to approve or deny any request for permission to serve alcohol at an event. Event organizers are expected to understand this policy and SLGA regulations and must manage their events accordingly. Faculty and staff members who advise students are expected to assist them in making responsible decisions about their events.
Types of Functions
All functions must abide by SLGA’s regulations in relation to minors, hours of service as required on the license, and the requirement of food served. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all functions, with the exception of public athletic events. In all cases, minors must not be served alcohol.
Alcohol Service Areas
Functions serving alcohol may be held in permanently licensed areas. This location may serve alcohol at any time without requiring additional authorization from SLGA or the University.
- The Lazy Owl and adjacent patio area, minors not allowed after 8pm (Appendix B not required).
Rooms Authorized under the Special Use Permit
The use of alcohol under the Special Use Permit may be granted for functions serving alcohol in the areas listed in Appendix A. Alcohol used for this type of function must be purchased from a University-authorized source. University permission (Appendix B) is required for all events. Signed authorization must be visible at the event and provided if requested by members of University of Regina Protective Services, Regina Police Service or SLGA during an inspection or visit to the site.
Special Occasion Permit
A Special Occasion Permit, obtained from SLGA, is required in any situation where alcohol is wished to be served in an area not covered by Appendix A. The University will have full discretion as to whether or not an alcohol-service event will aproved outside of Appendix A areas.
SLGA may require proof of University permission (Appendix B), and may also require a certificate of liability insurance. Any function held without University authorization may be cancelled immediately, even with SLGA permits.
All functions held on campus or paid for with University funds require trained servers with "Serve It Right" training from SLGA.
Roles and Responsibilities
Group Hosting a Function where Alcohol is to be Served (Hosting Group)
- arrange a location and obtain permission for the function (Appendix B)
- arrange servers and alcohol provision with University Food Services
- obtain a Special Occasion Permit when required
- if the function is to be held outdoors, comply with the policy on Approval of Outdoor Events
- ensure availability of appropriate non-alcoholic beverages and food sufficient for a light meal
- pay additional security and labour costs incurred by the University for the function as required
- provide additional liability insurance when requested by University administration
- comply with SLGA’s regulations
- along with service providers, ensure the following:
- No serving of minors
- No drinking games
- Patrons remain in the licensed area any time they are served alcohol
Dean or Designate
- give permission for the function by signing the application (Appendix B)
- in consultation with the Manager, Hospitality Services, approve student functions expected to last longer than four hours
Academic or Administrative Head Responsible for Space
- determine the appropriateness of the sponsor of the host group, if required, and the type of social function
- give permission for use of the space by signing the application (Appendix B)
University Food Services
- provide servers at all functions where alcohol is being served unless exempted by Hospitality Services
- ensure all serving staff complete "Serve It Right" training
Manager, Hospitality Services or Designate
- review the application (Appendix B) and approve the function
- maintain records of functions in the event of inspections
- advise the hosting group of additional requirements (e.g. security, liability insurance)
- notify University of Regina Protective Services and Custodial Services of the function
- return a copy of the approved application to the hosting group representative, Hospitality Services, University of Regina Protective Services staff, Custodial Services, and the appropriate administrative unit if applicable
- for outdoor functions, confirm approval from the Provincial Capital Commission (PCC)
University of Regina Protective Services
- provide inspections of alcohol functions on campus
- terminate a function if violations occur
Consequences for Noncompliance
Failing to comply with the University policy and the SLGA’s regulations may result in Hospitality Services, University of Regina Protective Services, SLGA inspectors, or Regina Police Service immediately terminating the function.
Violations will be investigated by University of Regina Protective Services and referred to the Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) (students) and/or the Vice-President (Administration) (employees) for sanctions. Failure to comply with this policy and SLGA’s regulations may result in the sponsoring group members being charged and prosecuted under the provisions and regulations of The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Act. Student groups failing to comply with this policy may also be referred to the Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) under the Regulations Governing Non Academic Misconduct. Employees failing to comply with this policy may be referred for discipline as per employment agreements. Visitors failing to comply may be restricted from the University of Regina.Processes
Obtaining Approval for Serving Alcohol
Before the Function
- Choose a location for the function.
- If the location is not a permanently licensed area (The Owl), complete the Application for a Function at Which Alcoholic Beverages will be Served (Appendix B).
- Obtain permission to use the space:
- The Lazy Owl, contact URSU
- Multi-Purpose Room in the Riddell Centre, contact URSU (Appendix B required)
- All other spaces, contact Hospitality Services or the Academic or Administrative Head (Appendix B required).
- Obtain faculty permission for the function by getting the signature of the Dean (or designate) on the application (Appendix B).
- Submit the application (Appendix B) to Hospitality Services at least 7 days in advance of the function.
- After University authorization is received for an indoor function where a Special Occasion Permit is required, obtain the permit from the SLGA website. SLGA may require 5 working days’ notice prior to issuing the permit.
- After University authorization is received for all outdoor functions, obtain a Special Occasion Permit from the SLGA website. SLGA may require 5 working days’ notice prior to issuing the permit.
- After University authorization is received for all outdoor functions, obtain a Special Event permit from PCC as outlined in the policy for Approval of Outdoor Events at least one month before the event date for large events, or two weeks for small events.
At the Function
- Post the approved Application for a Function at Which Alcoholic Beverages will be Served (Appendix B).
- Post the Special Occasion Permit, if required, and the bill of sale of alcohol purchased, if applicable, attached to Appendix B.
- Ensure the hosting group representative named in the extension request or on the Special Occasion Permit, if required, is present and available to University of Regina Protective Services, Regina Police Service, or SLGA inspectors throughout the duration of the function.
- Ensure alcohol is not delivered before the Start Time and is removed from the premises by the End Time shown on the application (Appendix B).
- Ensure attendance at the function does not exceed the Rated Capacity of Room shown on the application (Appendix B) or the limits approved for the function.
- Ensure suitable non-alcoholic beverages are available.
- Ensure food sufficient for a light meal is available. Snack foods such as potato chips and pretzels are not sufficient. To maximize food safety, University Food Services must be contacted regarding the food for any function before using an outside agency. Refer to the Food Services Policy (OPS-100-005).
- For outdoor functions, in conjunction with Facilities Management, erect fencing that outlines the event area. As required by SLGA, the fence must be a single 6 foot fence or double 4 foot fences. The hosting group will be responsible for renting appropriate fencing.
Additional Requirements
- Identifiable security personnel may be required to be in attendance at the expense of the hosting group and at the discretion of the Director of University of Regina Protective Services. For functions with high proportion of alcohol consumption expected or where previous problems have occurred, security may be required (normally at a minimum ratio of one security person to 100 patrons). The University reserves the right to require additional security personnel and approve companies or persons performing this task (if not hired through University of Regina Protective Services).
- Adequate liability insurance must be carried by the Students' Union and the University of Regina to cover these functions. The University may require external groups to provide a certificate of liability insurance up to $5 million and have the University of Regina named as an additional insured.
Highlights of SLGA's Regulations Pertaining to Alcohol on Campus
Everyone who accesses University of Regina facilities either inside University buildings or outside on University property, at main campus and College Avenue campus, must fully comply with SLGA’s Regulations (119 KB) and this policy. SLGA’s regulations that pertain to alcohol on campus include, but are not limited to, the following.
- Only permanently licensed facilities (The Lazy Owl and University Food Services) may store alcohol on campus. All other hosting groups must have just in time delivery and alcohol must be removed from the licensed premises to an off-campus location immediately following the function.
- All servers of alcohol must be suitably instructed and supervised. All persons organizing or providing alcohol at an event must have completed "Serve It Right" training. All servers at functions where alcohol is served must have this training. Generally one server for every 50 patrons is required.
- Reference to the availability of alcohol, or direct promotion of an alcoholic product at these functions, is not permitted by SLGA. If it is possible that an email advertising the event may go to minors, then advertising of brand alcohol or specials are prohibited by email.
- Alcohol functions may not be approved for areas where and when classes are taking place. Normally functions held in academic buildings may not commence before 4:30 pm on weekdays. The University reserves the right to limit hours as it deems fit.
Normally, the maximum duration of a special event is six hours. If there is a need to host a student function longer than four hours, approval of the Dean of the Faculty in consultation with the Manager, Hospitality Services, is required. - At any function within the University at which alcohol is being served, a suitable non-alcoholic beverage must also be made available.
- Alcohol should only be purchased in reasonable proportion to the number of people attending the event.
- Games that promote the consumption of alcohol as a part of the game are strictly prohibited.
- Following the provisions and regulations of The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Act, drink price minimums must be maintained at permanently licensed facilities. Advertising of free or below minimum drink prices is not permitted and the advertising must not promote the over-consumption of alcohol. Advertising of alcohol beverage brands is only allowed within a licensed facility. Email advertising including brands is not allowed.
Related Information
- Appendix A – Locations Approved for Serving Alcohol (342 KB)
- Appendix B – Application for a Function at Which Alcoholic Beverages Will Be Served (567 KB)
- Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Liquor Permittee Manual
- Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority’s Regulations (119 KB)
- Regulations Governing Discipline for Non Academic Misconduct
- OPS-040-006 Approval of Outdoor Events
- OPS-100-005 Food Services