Interactions 1 - Chapter 4 - In the Community - Group 4

Flash Card exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
shopping (n)going to shops and stores to look at and buy things
smoking (n)vapor and gas given off by a burning substance
steering wheel (n)the wheel inside the car that turns it to go another direction
teenager (n)a boy or girl between the ages of 13 and 19 years old
traffic (n)the moving of vehicles along a road
vehicle (n)something with wheels that moves people or things, like a car
wine (n)an alcoholic drink made from grapes
buy (v)buy to pay money for something in order to have it
drive (v)to operate or take someone some place in a vehicle
making sense (v)to grasp the meaning of; understand
smoke (v)to give off smoke, as in burning
illegal (adj)not allowed by law
legal (adj)allowed by law
local (adj)city, town, or small district rather than an entire country
married (adj)having a wife or husband; joined together in marriage
serious (adj)very important, sensible, not joking
strange (adj)not expected, not normal or ordinary