Interactions 1 - Chapter 4 - In the Community - Group 3

Flash Card exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
action (n)something that somebody does, moves, or works
activity (n)something that somebody takes part in or does
airline (n)commercial air flights transporting people and things
airport (n)an area where airplanes may take off and land
container (n)something used to hold something like a box, jar or bottle
danger (n)somebody or something that may cause harm, injury, or loss
driver (n)somebody who operates a vehicle or car
fine (n)money that somebody must pay for breaking a law
flight (n)a trip on something that moves through the air like on a airplane
health (n)body or mind working the right way
laws (n)rules made by authority
lot (n)small area of land
murder (n)to kill a person on purpose
order (n)instruction to do something or bring something
pedestrian (n)somebody traveling on foot
procedure (n)the right way of doing something
relationship (n)two or more people or things connected together
restaurants (n)a place where meals and drinks are sold
robbery (n)taking something that belongs to somebody else without asking