Interactions 1 - Chapter 4 - In the Community Group 2

Flash Card exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
get lost (v)to not be in a certain place at a certain time
guess (v)to think, believe something without having proof
lead (v)to go before or with, to show the way
measure (v)the process of finding out the dimensions, or how many of something
merge (v)to bring together
motion (v)the action of moving or of changing place or position
point (v)to direct attention to (usually by using your finger)
print out (v)something produced by a printer
turn (v)to move around on an axis or a center; rotate
type in (v)to write on a keyboard
confused (adj)to be unclear
flat (adj)horizontally level; even; smooth
impolite (adj)not polite; rude
rarely/seldom (adj)not often
straight (adj)without a bend, angle, or curve; a line