Interactions 1 - Unit 1 - Academic Life Around the World - Group 2

Flash Cards exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
instructors (noun)a person who instructs; a teacher
international (adjective)concerned with the relations between or among nations
learning resource center (noun)a place with computers and audio and video equipment for learning
loans (noun)money that a bank gives to an individual, but this money must be paid back to the bank by the person
methods (noun)ways of doing anything
points (noun)a unit of measurement usually used for students’ grades /averages
private (adjective)belonging to a particular person or group; not common or general
quizzes (noun)exams, tests
relaxed (adj)to feel calm and comfortable
requirements (noun)necessary courses
scholarships (noun)money given to a student for high marks
scores (noun)marks, grades; the number which tells a student how well he/she did on an exam
similar (adj)nearly, but not exactly, the same or alike
skills (noun)great ability; expertness that comes from training, practice, etc.
styles (noun)methods of doing something
public transportation: (noun)bus, subway, etc
tuition (noun)fee, cost to go to a university or any institution of higher learning
university (noun)an educational institution of the highest level
views (noun)opinions, ideas, about something; judgment