Interactions 1 - Chapter 4 - In the Community

Flash Card exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
advantage (n)a benefit; a profit or gain
body language (n)communication through the use of postures, gestures, facial expressions
countryside (n)a rural region
directions (n)instructions or guidance for going someplace
distance (n)the space between two objects or places
expression (n)an exact word or phrase
gestures (n)a movement of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that tells an idea or opinion
Interstate highway (n)a main road connecting two different states
landmarks (n)something on land that shows the position of something or the direction which somebody should go
movements (n)the act or process of moving
resident (n)one who lives in a specific place
sense of direction (n)knowing where you are and how to get to places
tourist (n)one who travels for pleasure.
turn (n)to move around, rotate
gesture (v)the act of expressing or communicating using the body