Chapter 8 - Food and Nutrition- Answers to Dictation


1.  insects

2.      environment

3.      obesity

4.      snacks

5.      gain

6.      join

7.      lose

8.      attractive

9.      delicious

10.  disgusting

11.  slim

12.  fruit

13.  brown

14.  calories

15.  diet (adj.)

16.  picnic

17.  produce

18.  vegetarian

19.  mix

20.  chop

21.  decide

22.  order

23.  grate

24.  boil

25.  bake




         Sentence Dictation

         1.  I think eating insects is disgusting. 

        2.  Eating too many snacks makes people gain weight. 

        3.  Let’s decide about the picnic.  I’ll bring fruit and produce because I’m a vegetarian.