010 Interactions Access - Chapter 6 – Sleep and Dreams

Flash Card exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
occurs (v.)happens
realize (v.)to know and understand something
wonder (v.)to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen
anxious (adj.)worried about something
familiar (adj.)well-known to you and easy to recognize
advice (n.)opinion you give someone about what they should do
similar (adj.)opposite of different
nap (n.)a short sleep, especially during the day
predict (v.)see ahead into the future
desires (n.)wishes, wants
evidence (n.)proof that something is true
research (n.)scientific study
childhood (n.)life from birth to age 18
traditional (adj.)like the past
purpose (n.)the reason for an action or a thing
wedding (n.)a ceremony when people get married