010 Interactions Access - Chapter 5 – Men and Women

Flash Card exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
fan (n.)someone who likes a particular sport, a performing art or who likes a famous person very much
permission (n.)when someone is allowed to do something
invitation (n.)written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something
celebrate (v.)to show that an event or occasion is important by doing something special or enjoyable
request (n.)polite or formal demand for something
apologetic (adj.)showing or saying that you are sorry that something has happened
terrible (adj.)very, very bad
public (adj.)the opposite of private; when many people are around
conversation (n.)people talking
private (adj.)the opposite of public; when other people are not around
equal (adj.)having the same position
socialize (v.)meet with other people, talk, etc.
marriage (n.)legal agreement joining two people in a relationship
phrase (n.)a group of words
different (adj.)opposite of same
suggestions (n.)ideas to make something better
active (adj.)moving around a lot; doing many things
similar (adj.)opposite of different